Sunday, March 28, 2010

Facebook's Frightening New Feature

It goes without saying that an overwhelming percentage of us are on Facebook (photo courtesy of the Facebook website). It has it's benefits, that's for sure. Some of us may use it to keep in touch with old High School friends, and others may use it for business reasons. Whatever the case is, it does keep people connected.

However, there's a dark side to the social networking site. Facebook uses your personal information. Though there are privacy settings, there are several loopholes that Facebook uses to its benefit. Many applications such as "Farmville" or "Social Interview" also utilize your personal information.

To make matters worse, Facebook will soon have a new feature of Orwellian proportions: the "Place" feature. The "Place" feature allows you to post a link to where you are in your status, much like how you can post a friend's name in a status and it will link to their profile. Friends also have the ability to tag you in a particular place.

The following is a direct quote from Facebook's Privacy Policy page.

"Information from other users. We may collect information about you from other Facebook users, such as when a friend tags you in a photo, video, or place, provides friend details, or indicates a relationship with you."

Though the notion of having all of your friends know where you are may seem fascinating, it comes hand-in-hand with a ridiculous amount of privacy invasion. Now Facebook will have the potential to give away the names of your favorite music, books and movies, your address, phone number, interests, pictures, and current location.

Possibly the most frightening aspect of the situation is that Facebook's blatant invasion of privacy is practically common knowledge. Most of us are aware of Facebook's privacy stealing tactics, yet all of us (myself included) are still willingly checking our Facebook multiple times a day.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Political Horoscope for March 11th

President Obama was born on August 4th, 1961. Some may construe this as meaning that our president is 48 years old, but there's a far deeper meaning to all of this. The fact that Obama was born on August 4th means that he's a Leo.

According to a lengthy description from Astrology Online, our president has some of the following character traits: "generous, pompous, warmhearted, bossy, broad-minded and dogmatic." These traits may seem as if they could apply to anyone, but it really just means that our president is intensely unstable. He may seem warmhearted at one moment, but he may act intensely dogmatic only a minute later.

So, now that we have a solid biography established for Mr. President, let's take a look at his daily horoscope.

The folks at warn Obama that "...just because there's no easy solution to your questions doesn't mean that you should avoid them." Oh no! Does this mean that our allegedly dogmatic president is avoiding some huge issue?

Well, according to the following video from CNN (shown below), Obama is trying to create peace between Israel and Palestine through proximity talks. Perhaps was referring to the question "Will there be peace between Israel and Palestine?" It upsets our pompous and bossy (please keep in mind that it is the positioning of the stars that determine him pompous and bossy, thus making this accusation fact, and not opinion) president that there's no easy answer to this question. However, it seems that he isn't avoiding the issue, which could only mean that he has a subscription to and took the advice of his daily horoscope.

So there you have it, Obama's March 11th horoscope matches up perfectly with March 11's news. However, there's still more terrain to cover. What about Obama's relationship with America? Rest assured, because there's a purely scientific way to analyze this relationship.

America gained its independence on the 4th of July, so let's assume that July 4th is America's "birthday." This makes America a Cancer. According to Astrology Online, America is "emotional, loving, changeable, moody, protective, sympathetic, clinging, and unable to let go." I'm already sensing that this may not be a good match for Obama's "bossy and dogmatic" attitude.

Fortunately, there may be hope for this seemingly doomed romance. According to an astrological study conducted by the folks at Find Your Fate, their relationship may be nothing less than a match made in heaven. I'll leave you with the following quote from their analysis, with the words Leo and Cancer changed to Obama and America, respectively.

"In spite of their different natures, there will always be a strong bond between Obama and America. America will often have to give way to the dominant Obama, but Obama has a quality which makes America's moon shine more brightly. Obama needs appreciation and attention which America is happy to give."