Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obama Cursed With Low Approval Ratings

As far-fetched as it may seem, Obama's current approval rating is showing that Americans are beginning to lose hope in the current president. According to Rasmussen Reports, the presidential tracking poll for today shows that "27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index Rating of -15." These results give the impression that, despite the overwhelmingly positive response to Obama's election campaign, many are beginning to lose faith in his abilities as a president.

During his election campaign, Obama was known for giving moving and passionate speeches about bringing hope and change to America. Though his speeches obviously weren't the only thing going for him, it could easily be argued that they played a significant role in getting him elected.

I can personally admit that I was easily swayed by this aspect of his campaign. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend one of these speeches. Obama spoke in Bangor, Maine (photo courtesy of myself) during his campaign, and after witnessing the speech there was hardly a doubt in my mind that Obama had the potential to do great things for the America.

Granted, it has been about two years since said speech, but since it was the first time I'd witnessed a speech by a presidential candidate, it left a lasting impression.The speech occurred at a school, and he opened by conveniently stating that he was going to make a huge effort to help out teachers and schools. He then stated that he was going to focus on bringing both liberals and conservatives together in an effort to unite the citizens of America.

I think he also threw in something about ending the current war as soon as possible.

Those who oppose Obama would say that he didn't follow through with any of these things, and that he was elected solely because of his charm. This is pretty logical criticism, considering that the war is still going, and also that his presidency has created a band of conservatives who oppose him and any liberals that support him. It could also be argued that hardly any politicians truly keep their promises once they're elected.

Obama may not have ended the war, and he may not have pleased conservatives with his allegedly "socialist" healthcare plan. Still, it's not like he's wasting his time on vacation. His plan for the gradual reduction of nuclear weapons seems to be pretty promising.

Regardless, it goes without saying that there are several individuals out there who absolutely loathe President Obama.

This may seem like a pretty disorganized post, and that's because it totally is. The bottom line is that I really don't think Obama deserves such a low approval rating, even if he may have exaggerated a few things before becoming president.

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