Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Blues

This year's Valentine's Day may be one of the most depressing yet. It's not for the obvious reason that it's a blatantly commercial holiday that cashes in on our emotions, thus guilt-tripping all of us into dishing out several hard-earned pieces of paper in an effort to win over our loved ones with stuffed animals and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate. No, it's far worse than that.

Valentine's Day lands on a Sunday this year, meaning that if you live in a state where blue laws are enacted, you can't buy any liquor. Blue laws essentially show a blatant disregard for the concept of separation of church and state. If one were to read The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, they would immediately see the following sentence staring back at them: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."

Despite this, we see that 29 states in America enforce these laws, which are based on the concept of the Sabbath being a holy day.

Now Valentine's Day may not necessarily be based around the consumption of alcohol, but for some it may be necessary. Those who are in dedicated relationships may be perfectly content with the intoxicating affection and love they feel for their partner. However, for those of us who are single, Valentine's Day is, by all means, a very depressing day.

Valentine's Day serves as a constant and painful reminder to single men and women that they are indeed very alone. Perhaps a drink or two could help alleviate some of that depression, but not this year!

Drinking alone on Valentine's Day is practically an American tradition. So, what's the sense in going against a Constitutional concept in an effort to thwart what could very well be the one and only vice of lonely bachelors?


  1. I am just recently single, but I don't think of it as being a depressing day... I can't stand people who dislike Valentine's Day and all that... we need to love and appreciate family and friends everyday and not just one day a year... it's also my parents' anniversary so I am always happy for them and I do still like Valentine's Day... it's pretty much not that big of a deal. I liked how you put everything into perspective with facts to back this weblog up. Nice!

  2. At least Maine doesn't have blue laws.

    And I'm not a huge fan of the holiday myself, despite being married. With our birthdays in December and January and Christmas in between - I'm done with presents until mid-summer.

    I will buy discount candy the next day, however.
